Paint Pots Silk Face Mask


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Paint Pots—Alberta, Canada

Warm colours of ochre smooth over this scarf, creating a comforting tone. Imagine the vast landscape of the high plains beautifully represented, but with an added modern twist. Make a strong statement with this intricate design, telling the tale of the Paint Pots practiced by the First Nations.

Pots de Peinture— Alberta, Canada

Les chaudes couleurs de l’ocre viennent adoucir ce carré. Imaginez un instant les vastes étendues des hautes plaines, avec cette touche ajoutée de modernité. Faites une belle déclaration avec ce motif complexe.


Our fashionable face masks are made from 100% silk. They are made from the remaining fabrics of our silk scarves. Therefore, we offer limited designs, quantity and size.

  • Comfortable straps

  • Completely reusable, wear one and wash the others

  • Hand wash only

Please note: these face masks are NOT medical grade masks (which are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an infection preventative measure, i.e. grade FFP2/N95). So please DO NOT purchase face masks with the false understanding they will prevent infection from Coronavirus. They are more about protecting others to reduce spread. Due to the personal hygiene nature of the product, your face masks are non-returnable and are non-refundable.


Our items are considered a work of art, therefore refunds are not accepted. See our full Return Policy.


Measurement 1: Bridge of nose to behind ear (one side)

Small Mask: 5.7 - 6.1 " or 14.5 - 15.5 cm

Medium Mask: 6.1 - 6.4 " or 15.6 - 16.5 cm

Large Mask: 6.5 - 6.8 " or 16.6 - 17.5 cm

Extra Large Mask: 6.6 - 7 " or 17 - 18 cm

Measurement 2: Bridge of nose to just under chin (max.)

Small Mask: 4.3" or 11 cm

Medium Mask: 4.9" or 12.5 cm

Large Mask: 5.5" or 14 cm

Extra Large Mask: 6.1 " or 15.5 cm

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